Hohner HSB 7000 sprzedana

Podstawowe informacje

Nazwa Hohner HSB 7000
Rok produkcji 2005
Numer referencyjny
na produkcji

Opis dodatkowy

year of production 2005,
– 6 attachment stations
– ​ 1​ cover station
– 2 sewing heads
– logging
– jet laying
approx. ​5,000 h​

mechanical speed: from 2000 up to 7000 products/h
size max: 380 x 340 mm trimmed and 390 x 350 mm before trim
size min: 120 x 80 mm trimmed and 130 x 105 mm before trim
stitching thickness max: 4 mm
trim thickness max: 8 mm
stitching heads – up to 4 heads Hohner Universal 52/8
vertical feeder pile max: ca. 250 mm
number of automatic feeders max: up to 8 + cover feeder
3N 400 V, 50/60 Hz, maks. 20 A

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