Kba Rapida 106 SIS SPC-4 SW2 FAPC sprzedana

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Nazwa Kba Rapida 106 SIS SPC-4 SW2 FAPC
Rok produkcji 2009
Numer referencyjny
na produkcji

Opis dodatkowy

Kba Rapida 106 SIS SPC-4 SW2 FAPC
4 colors
Perfector 2+2
Year 2009
228 mln impression
Papier format mm 740 x 1060 max
                           300 x 300 min
Druck format 730 x 1060 max
Printing performance/h max. 18 000 Bg/h bei SD-15 000 Bg/h-SWD
investor stack height 800 mm
outrigger stack height 900 mm
Preset functions for sight and boom
SIS sensoric infeed system
F-APC fully automatic. changing printing plates
Varidamp film dampening units
Ink system temperature control
Smoother sheets in the delivery
Sheet brake in the delivery
Water-cooled pump barrier
Roller set complete
License and software activation for color pre-install data
Cylinder jackets
Modul Colortronic
Modul Denstronic
Modul Investor
Modul Offset printing units
Modul Outrigger
Modul Technotrans
Modul Automatic washing facility of the roller mills
Modul Automatic washing facilities for the rubber blanket cylinders
Modul Automatic washing facilities for the printing cylinders
Modul WEKO AP 262 powder making device
Modul Outdoor cooler
Modul Waste disposal

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